Become a Member today

The Society is an open forum to encourage fruitful interactions between researchers with an interest in incorporating theory in their own research. Researchers at all levels can become members. By becoming a member, you will receive:

  • Up-to-date announcements

  • Automatic early-bird acceptance to any event organized by the Society

  • Logistic and financial support by the Society to organize and advertise events within the mission of the Society

  • Access to a vibrant community of researchers engaged in similar interests

  • Preferential discounted rates on proof-reading and copy-editing services

  • Invitation to join the weekly online seminar series, each Fridays starting Fall 2019

Please keep in mind two special benefits from joining the Society today:

By becoming a member, you will also receive an official certificate of membership to the Professional Society. You may deduct up to $100 from registration at the the 2021 AES Summer School and future events.

You will also have access to over 10 hours of educational videos and materials from the 2019 AES Summer School, and featuring speakers from Chicago-Booth, Columbia, Duke, Stanford, UCSD, Wharton.

Last but not least, all proceeds from memberships are used to subside the educational activities of the Society - the Society has no permanent staff and receives administrative assistance from academic institutions.

If you find the activities of the Association useful, please become a member. Introductory rates for Ph.D students are $20 per year and $100 per year for full-time faculty and industry. If you are interested in donating or would like to explore sponsorship activities, please contact us at

Please follow this link to become a member:

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